Saturday, February 9, 2008

Friends don't let friends choose Sprint

Google 'Sprint sucks' and you will get over 32k hits.
Sprint has the worst record for customer un-service.
They simply ditched their complaining customers in NY...why?... to improve customer service. So why not actually solve their problems? They can't...better to just throw them away.
Amazing that there is tons of money to spend on propaganda type advertising...that is all flash and no substance.
And when they say, "This call may be monitored or recorded so we can improve customer service." Don't believe them...or anyone with that 'recording' They are lying. the real reasonthey do that is to better instruct their agents of unservice to become better at stonewalling you, the 'valued customer'. Or they will use the recorded conversation to be a better broken record to you...and not really solve the problem... Case in point: Dropped calls w/ Sprint...which is what they should be known for. Up to 12 a day...would they let me out of my prison sentence with them? No - I was on the phone and lost the signal 7 times before i finally got a hold of customer unservice. They readily apologize for 'any' be it was inconvenient sitting outside in the rain on hold for a customer rep...and lose the call 7 times and have to start the 'wait' again. Then after being inconvenienced by a dropped call, the company that 'appreciates my business' says i need to be furthur inconvenienced by calling them up to let them know...for a 20 cent credit...and even if my service is so poor I lose all calls in a day, i can only claim up to 4 calls... Set me free why don't ya babe!

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